Minutes of the July 6 2016 Board meeting
Concerns: change of bank access due to the immediate firing of Miss Orrapan Danpanawan on June 15 of 2016.
Present Rev. Dr. Jan Smit …………………..
Ps. Mrs. Ellen Smit ……………………
Mrs Toom ……………………
Mrs Aye ……………………
Absent Miss Orrapan Danpanawan
Due to the immediate firing of Miss Orrapan Danpanawan ID number …………….on June 15 of 2016 her access to the foundations bank account has been blocked.
During today’s meeting the Board members decided to give Mrs. Aye….. ID number…………….
power of attorney to withdraw money from the foundation bank account being 5370355926 in the name of Foundation Zion Child Care Trust Intl.
For the above a new bankbook will be required from the bank.
Thus decided in unity.
Rev. Dr. Jan Smit
Foundation President