do not shoot me' he begged his voice was creaky like a rusty lock .
'who are you' i asked
'my name is ben gunn' he replied.
i haven't spoken to another human being for three years'.
his skin was sunburned and his clothes were rags. when i looked more closely i saw that they were made of old bits of sail
held together with rope. 'three years ? i asked 'what happened to you? were you in a shipwreck?
'no i used to be a pirate. but i argued with my captain and he left me on this island i eat berries and fish from the sea . but i
dream about cheese' you will have all the cheese you can eat if you help me' i told him he looked at me. 'what is your name? he asked. 'jim i replied. well jim perhaps you can help me to get away from this island. and perhaps i can help you i'm a rich man' said ben gunn. i thought he was crazy. how could such a man be rich? 'i know you came here on that ship
jim. is it flint's ship/ he asked. this idea seemed to terriy him. 'no it isn't flint's ship . flint is dead. but some of his pirates are on board when we set sail for the island we didn't know that most of our crew were pirates i explained. 'is there a man wiht one leg? tell me he's not there' ben gunn cried