The MMM Community shows constant progress and develops drastically! In order to encourage its members to take part in the system development and reward them for their active position, we elaborated the MMM EXTRA program. This program gives the participants the possibility to get higher interests if they are actively involved in the development of the community. The main goal of MMM EXTRA is to reward participants for their systematical work aimed at the development of the mutual aid fund!
MMM is the community that strives for honesty and fairness, kind and good deeds. Joining the system, people get changed rapidly. They become more confident, they have more desire to help other people and finally they do it with great pleasure. With the MMM EXTRA programthe community has started to develop much quicker. It gives wonderful results, which is highly appreciated by the participnats.
With MMM EXTRA the community has become much more reliable. What can be the reason for restart or pause mode? it might be the lack of activity from the part of the managers, or insufficient growth dynamics. And now, thanks to MMM EXTRA all the participants are already involved in the daily activities aimed to develop the system. Moreover, when a country faces difficulties, participants from another countries will do the tasks to develop the country that has problems. Consequently, if for example there’s a need to maintain dynamics in an Asian country participants from all over the world will accomplish tasks connected with the activity in forums and groups of this country.
Therefore, MMM EXTRA accelerates the development and reduces the risks. At one time, the implementation of the pause mode reduced the risks of restart. Now, implementing MMM EXTRA programme we reduce the risks of any payment delays. We have taken a great step towards perfect mutual aid Community protected both from external and internal negative affects.
MMM «EXTRA» participants get up to 100% per month
Participating in the programme any participant of the Community gets the opportunity to inrease the growth of MAVROs upto 100% per month. Earlier, it was just a dream. However, with MMM EXTRA it is real! For that, participants have to accomplish simple tasks (that won’t take more than few minutes) every day. At the same time, these tasks will contribute to the development of the system. So, the offer is very advantageous both for participants and MMM system as a whole!
The participants of the MMM EXTRA program have 0.6% accrued to their MAVROs growth every day if they don’t do any tasks. Therefore, participants who don’t accomplish any task will get 20% per month. Every day each participant is offered one or several task to do. If all tasks have been completed the participant gets up to 2.66% additionally to 0.6%. In that way, the participant who completes all tasks gets up to 3.33% per day to his/her MAVROs growth instead of 0.6%. Therefore, participants who accomplish tasks on the daily basis get MAVROs growth of 100% per month.
The participants of the program get their interest accrued every day. If the participants don’t accomplish tasks they won’t be credited with additional interests up to 2.66% - everything is extremely transparent. Those members of the community who decide to participate in the programme and don’t do any task during a month for a certain reason will get 20%. Those who complete the tasks will get their additional interests accrued every day. And so on up to 100% per month.
The larger the amount of the contribution is the more tasks concerning the development of the system the participant will have to do to get a higher interest. It’s quite fair - the more you do - the more you get.
These figures are amazing, and you will hardly find anything similar in any other place of the world. None of banks any other organization can offer you the opportunity get such high interests. Nevertheless, in the MMM community it is real! MMM EXTRA has made the Community more dynamic, honest and fair! It’s a great progress, and the system will continue it in the future!
What tasks do MMM EXTRA participants complete?
In the framework of the MMM EXTRA program a large base of tasks was prepared as well as the qualitative regulating mechanism was elaborated. Every day each participant will be offered to accomplish simple tasks to get additional interests. There are a lot of different interesting tasks to be done.
Each task will be accompannied with the detailed instruction easy to understand for everybody. You will need about 10-15 minutes to cope with the task. You can choose the kind of tasks you want to do as the participants are offered several options.
Now, more details about the tasks. For example, the participant can be offered to join a group in the social network Facebook and post a comment. Or to do several Twits in Twitter, like a video on YouTube, share news in Google Plus etc. The participants must attach the proof of the accomplished task. It can be a link or screenshot/image.
Participating in MMM EXTRA is very interesting indeed. The members of the community are offered to do different tasks that aren’t boring at all. The participants complete them not only for additional interests but also because it’s really interesting and helps to involve new members in the system (their referrals)! That’s why even after accomplishing the tasks a lot of participants continue to develop the system completing similar tasks for free - just for their own interest and to benefit the community.
MMM EXTRA – the right step towards the goal!
Completing the tasks the participants make their personal contribution to the development of the system. For this reason, the popularity of MMM in social networks grows as well as the trafficto the official website, the number of registrations increases. The work of the system becomes more stable.
Thanks to MMM EXTRA the participants are getting more active and start to develop the community! Completing the tasks they understand how easy and advantageous it is to develop personally inside MMM.
Beginners in MMM EXTRA take their first step in the development of the Community. The tasks in the framework of the programme encourage the participants on their way to activity. Many of those who join the program will enter the Managers’ School.
They will become managers or on-line consultants, will start to carry out off-line events, inaugurate clubs for MMM participants. It’s really cool to develop common cause together!
After the launch of the MMM EXTRA programme the community has started to develop many times quicker. The results are excellent, more and more new members join the system while experienced participants feel much more enthusiastic to develop the community.
It’s surprising but it’s real! A lot of members who participate in the programme have started to develop the system even outside MMM EXTRA - not for the bonuses but for their own wish! We want each participant to do something for the benefit of the Community, and after the launch of MMM EXTRA we have reached this goal. Even having accomplished all tasks in the PO and having got additional interests a lot of participants continue to develop the system.
They like being a part of our big and strong family. It’s really fair, cool and interesting to develop the system giving other people the opportunity to live happier instead of striving for survival in the unfair world. The essence of the development and activity of the participants is very significant - it’s help for other people.
Why not help to change the lives of ordinary citizens who earn miserable salaries working hard? People who can’t afford the decent life level? Earlier all the participants were just in the same situation - worked hard and didn’t have any prospects for better lives. However, with MMM EXTRA the things have changed. Now, the members of the mutual aid fund want to help other people to find happiness, and their desire is honest. We are proud of our participants who have become kinder and more responsible. Keep it up!