We apologize that reply slowly. Thank you very much for your purchase with us. I know this is extremely frustrating, but I'd have to report this to you. When we were preparing the shipment for the item, we went on to perform quality check on the item as usual. However, we noticed that one got the defect and the other is used item. It is completely against our policy to sell damaged goods or used item to our dear customers and since these are the last item in our stock, we cannot find any replacement until we get the new one from the manufacturer.
It is our duty to protect your purchase and we request you to provide us with some more days. Currently, We’re waiting the confirmation of its shipping schedule that will be directly sent to your address. We will update you as soon as possible when got the information.
We deeply apologize for not being able to serve you as fast as expectation. We're sorry for the delay. We appreciate your understanding and hope to see you again.