In first place was EXID's Hani with an astounding 46.2% of votes, followed by SISTAR's Soyu with 21.6%, then MAMAMOO's rapper Moon Byul with 17%. Hani was chosen by 52% of the male participants and 48% of the female. Soyu was chosen by 62.6% of the female participants while Moon Byul was chosen by 68.9% of female participants. Among those female participants, 28.3% of those in their thirties chose Soyu while 36.7% of those in their teens chose Moon Byul, showing the demographics in which they were popular.
In which areas they would distinguish themselves, the participants chose variety shows with 58.6% of votes for EXID's Hani. On the other hand, 63.5% of votes and 48.8% of votes went to the release of a new song to Soyu and Moon Byul respectively.
This further raises interest regarding whether any of these girls will decide to try their hand as a solo artist next year! Who would you like to see?