As a powerful antioxidant, beta-carotene has been shown to help improve cholesterol levels and help counter the development of atherosclerosis by disarming free radicals. Atherosclerosis develops when LDL “bad” cholesterol becomes oxidized by free radicals. This oxidizing of the cholesterol cells damages them, causing them to harden into artery walls. This decreases the natural elasticity of the artery, which in turn decreases blood flow creating atherosclerosis, a major risk factor in heart disease. Apricot juice and especially homemade apricot juice are exceptionally high sources of beta-carotene, blessing us with these heart healthy apricot benefits. However, there is more to apricot juice benefits for the heart and that is its vitamin C content. Research shows that vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant for protecting LDL cholesterol from free radical damage and combined with beta-carotene the abilities of both nutrients are greatly enhanced. Additionally, vitamin C is also an important player in the development of collagen, a substance that creates the elasticity in skin and arteries. Without vitamin C, collagen cannot be made and cholesterol is used instead to create artery walls – another factor with contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.