we are suspended. It's like the middle game . Where do you go once your out of the box.
You have no preset direction. So it's already a potential situation .That bring us to feeling that we should read .
immediately go back this doesn't make any sense let's go back to safe place. let's go back inside the box that's a temptation.
we need to resist. We need to value long thinking. Normally we talk about brilliant thinking ,fast thinking, deep thinking.
But here we're talking about something different.It's some through that take us far. It's as if you were reading poetry
or listening to music. You don't judge the single note. You don't judge the single words.
It's the ensemble that give you a feeling and takes you far must do same thing . where are with out concepts.
We need to go far. and so we can use association ideas, combination of ideas extraction.
I'll principles and application all those principles to areas where they're never supply before. We need to be open mind.
We need to be fluent. Look for alternative and not for correct answer. Because when you think creatively there no single correct answer.
There are many possible alternatives.as supposed now that we're lucky. We'll end up on a new idea in out travel in the exploration out of the box.