EtOH daily, social drinking (10–40 g EtOH per day) and rare drinking) [1–4]. In these studies a cut-off of 0.5 ng/mg for FAEE and 7.0 pg/mg for EtG was proposed to discriminate between rare drinkers and moderate drinkers. In a recent consensus of the Society of Hair Testing a concentration of FAEE above 1.0 ng/mg (6 cm hair length) and/or a EtG concentration above 30 pg/mg (hair length between 3 and 6 cm) strongly suggests repeated and excessive alcohol drinking (SoHT consensus) [5].It is known that cosmetic treatment must be taken into consideration for the correct interpretation of hair results [6,7].Regarding alcohol markers, special attention should be considered to ethanol containing hair lotions.Beside EtOH these lotions mostly contain natural plant ingredients like essential oils and are sometimes composed of an organic and an aqueous phase. They are supposed to re-moisturise and to stimulate the scalp, to reinforce hair growth, to eliminate dandruff and/or to prevent hair loss. Only a few studies have been published so far regarding ethanol
containing hair care products and the alcohol marker. In a study by Hartwig et al. three volunteer moderate social drinkers treated one side of their scalp daily with a commercial hair lotion (Florena Birken Haarwasser), which contains 62.6 vol% ethanol [8]. The other side of the scalp was left untreated. In the samples from the