Perceived service quality is define as a customer’s judgment of the overall excellence or superiority of certain service provider’s performance
Perceived value is defined as the consumers’ overall assessment of the benefits of a product or service, based on perceptions about what is being received. Customers’ perception of service value is the main factor influencing and predicting customer satisfaction
Corporate image is defined as the overall impression made on the minds of public about a firm which is related to physical and behavioral attributes of the firm, such as business name, architecture, variety of products/services, and to the impression of quality communicated by each person interacting with the firm's clients
Customer satisfaction is defined as evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between prior expectations and actual performance of the product. Role of consumer satisfaction is pivotal to construct trust of customers, which in turn leads to the customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is defined as the mindset of a customer who holds favorable attitude toward a company, commits to repurchase the company’s product (or services), and recommends the product (or services) to others.