Before making the toss, the referee should verify that both players are ready and each
has both feet inside the half of the centre circle nearest to his own basket, with one (1)
foot close to the centre line.
The ball shall be tossed vertically upwards between two (2) opponents, higher than
either of them can reach by jumping (Diagram 22).
After making the toss, it is recommended that the referee remains stationary, waiting to
see in which direction the play will develop, until the ball and the players have moved
away from the circle.
He should not attempt to back away on releasing the ball as this will affect the
accuracy of the toss.
The umpire must verify that the tap was legal, i.e. that the ball had reached its highest
point before being tapped and that the movement of the eight (8) non-jumpers was
according to the Rules (Diagram 23 and Diagram 24).
As soon as the ball is first tapped, the umpire gives the time-in signal and moves in the
direction of play, ahead of the ball to assume the lead position (Diagram 25).