Online delivery of digital media, such as image or
video is very popular and will become an increasingly important
part of E-commerce copyright protection and tracking. The
advantage of internet is sharing the valuable digital media which
lead to misuse of digital media. To resolve the problem of misuse
of digital data on Internet, we need to have strong Digital rights
monitoring system. We propose an architecture design of digital
image tracing system on the World Wide Web and a QR code
hiding method for this application using 8x8 DCT-based
transform. This paper presents an innovative embedding QR
code that is a metadata hiding into digital image. In our design,
there are 4 important components i.e., distributed web spider,
target database, source database, and data hiding process module.
We use the histogram of DC image parameter as indexing key in
the target database, which will be used to retrieve the original
image from the source database. DC image is obtained by taking
all DC value of each 8x8 image block after DCT transform, which
also serve as thumbnail version of the original. Besides to get the
DC image, the operation of 8x8 DCT transform is also used to
extract the metadata in the next process, which increases the
efficiency of the overall system.