In this section we discuss analyses of time series data. Briefly, the time series analysed were monthly case numbers for the 64 infectious diseases monitored by the Australian Government’s National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS) and Google Trends monthly search metrics for related internet search terms. In total, search 164 terms were analysed in this study; this ranged from a single term for some diseases, up to 14 search terms for influenza and 35 search terms for pneumococcal disease. The majority of terms could be categorised as diseases or aetiological agents (“brucellosis” or “Brucella”), colloquialisms (“flu”, “hep” or “TB”), symptoms (“cough”, “white discharge” or “cervical mucus”) or medication or general health/treatment related queries (“whooping cough treatment”, “symptoms of dengue” or “flu and pregnancy”). A few terms that may have environmental (“flash floods” for leptospirosis) or behavioural (“African tours” for malaria) meanings were also included. A full list of the search terms analysed is presented in the supplementary material.