Despite the importance of long standing social interactions, the literature suggests that trust depends in part also on a trusting disposition. Depending on the their cultural background [4], their faith in humanity and their socialized trusting stance [56,70], individuals typically enter into relationships with a certain degree of initial trust [52,56,70]. This initial trust is not based on the specific trusted person or organization; rather, it is based on the individual's life-long socialization and experiences that lead him/her to believe to some degree or another that people in general can be trusted. A trusting disposition is one way to overcome the "Catch 22" problem as it relates to interpersonal trust. Without trust, most interpersonal interactions cannot occur, bat without these interpersonal interactions the trust that is required for these interactions cannot be built. Reliance on a trusting disposition solves this "Catch 22" problem. It is a willingness to give a "trust credit" without justifying it on prior experience with the particular would-be trusted party. This trust is based on a trusting disposition that is the consequence of the lifelong experience of the trusting party; it is applicable, therefore, even when there is no prior experience with the specific would-be trusted party