Results: Over the 13 year period in California, ever puffing declined by 70% in 12–13 year olds, by 53%
in 14–15 year olds from 1992–2002, and by 34% in 16–17 year olds from 1996–2002 (CTS). As noted,
the decline commenced progressively later in each older group. Smoking experimentation (1+ cigarettes)
and established smoking (. 100 cigarettes in lifetime) showed similar patterns. Compared to 1990, the
percentage of California young adults (CTS data) who ever experimented declined by 14%, with half of the
decline from 1999–2002. CPS young adult smoking prevalence (established and now smoke everyday or
some days) was constant in the rest of the USA over the entire period, but California showed a recent 18%
decline from 1998/99 to 2001/02