How Your Body Systems Work
For better understanding, look at how your body systems work. Your brain is responsible for
controlling your drive to eat food. Your digestive system, for its part, is responsible for
monitoring your calorie and nutrient intake. It then sends the information it collects to your
brain, specifically to the hypothalamus, that controls your hunger drive.
Hence, if your digestive system finds that your body lacks the calories and nutrients it needs, it
will keep on sending information to your brain that in turn will signal you to eat more,
resulting with overindulging in unnecessary food.
Nutrients and Fiber to Reduce Calorie Intake
Nutrients and fiber will help you to control your appetite to
reduce your calorie intake. Dr. Fuhrman recommends that
instead of juicing your fruits or vegetables, it is healthier
and more beneficial to eat them. Juicing or any form of
food processing will only strip the fiber and nutrients from
your fruits and veggies. In reducing weight, therefore, it is
crucial that you consume your fruits and veggies in their
natural form and condition.
There is no shortcut to losing weight through magic pills, powder, or other formula and form. You
cannot go on living an unhealthy lifestyle and turn to them as your instant or magical solutions to lose
weight. This is true if you want to get rid of your excess weight permanently, safely, with no
compromises or trade-offs to your good health condition.
How to Use Your Slow Metabolism to Your Advantage
According to Dr. Fuhrman, you should avoid seeing your slow metabolism as a defect that will prevent
you from losing weight successfully. Instead, you should take advantage of it in order to live longer. It
only becomes a disadvantage if you continue eating the American Diet- a diet consisting of high calorie
and low nutrients.
Besides, slow metabolism is not the cause of your excess weight for the following reasons:
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• Your resting metabolism will drop to a certain extent with lower calorie intake, but this drop is
hardly significant to prevent weight loss.
• When you do not limit your intake of calories, your resting metabolism reverts to its normal
rate. This makes succeeding diets more difficult in achieving weight loss results.
• The cycle of losing and gaining weight for people with weight problems is not due to the speed
of the metabolism. The fluctuation is from the starting and stopping the dieting plan or
To use your slow metabolism to your advantage, fill your body with food high in nutrients and fiber and
low in calories. With such kind of food in your body, your slow metabolism will work in your favor to
delay your aging process, contribute to your optimal health, resulting with your longer lifespan.
In fact, people whose genes predispose them to slow metabolic rate are more likely to live longer.
However, this is only realizable when they choose high nutrient-density food combined with increased
physical activity.
Therefore, the first basic step to lose weight and sustain it is to start to eat to live longer.