Product Summary and Explanation
Blood agar bases are typically supplemented with 5 - 10% sheep, rabbit, or horse blood for use in isolating,
cultivating, and determining hemolytic reactions of fastidious pathogenic microorganisms. Without enrichment,
blood agar bases can be used as general purpose media.
In 1919, Brown experimented with blood agar formulations for the effects of colony formation and hemolysis.1
In Blood Agar Base, Improved, the formula was modified slightly to enhance organism growth and neutralize
any toxic metabolites. Blood Agar Base media are specified in standard method procedures for food testing.2-4
Principles of the Procedure
Nitrogen, vitamin, and carbon sources are provided by Enzymatic Digest of Casein and Enzymatic Digest of
Animal Tissue in Blood Agar Base, Improved. Yeast Extract is a vitamin source. Corn Starch is added to
ensure any toxic metabolites produced are absorbed, and enhance organism growth.5
Sodium Chloride
maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Agar is the solidifying agent.
Product Summary and Explanation
Blood agar bases are typically supplemented with 5 - 10% sheep, rabbit, or horse blood for use in isolating,
cultivating, and determining hemolytic reactions of fastidious pathogenic microorganisms. Without enrichment,
blood agar bases can be used as general purpose media.
In 1919, Brown experimented with blood agar formulations for the effects of colony formation and hemolysis.1
In Blood Agar Base, Improved, the formula was modified slightly to enhance organism growth and neutralize
any toxic metabolites. Blood Agar Base media are specified in standard method procedures for food testing.2-4
Principles of the Procedure
Nitrogen, vitamin, and carbon sources are provided by Enzymatic Digest of Casein and Enzymatic Digest of
Animal Tissue in Blood Agar Base, Improved. Yeast Extract is a vitamin source. Corn Starch is added to
ensure any toxic metabolites produced are absorbed, and enhance organism growth.5
Sodium Chloride
maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. Agar is the solidifying agent.
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