During the past decade there is an increasing of studies relating to international tourists to Thailand such as tourist behaviors, travel patterns and trip characteristics. However, the literature review indicates that most studies seem to focus on examining international tourists based on one particular country or culture rather than exploring them in terms of comparative studies. This study thus aims to examine and compare travel motivations of international tourists to Thailand between Asian and European tourists. The results indicated that travel motives of Asian and European respondents seemed to be similar in that most of them were more likely to be motivated by ‘novelty seeking’ when traveling overseas. However, there were some differences regarding the perceptions of destination attractions drawing them to Thailand. Most of Asian respondents were more likely to be attracted by ‘a variety of tourist attractions and activities’ while the European respondents appeared to view ‘cultural and historical attractions’ as the key factor to visit Thailand. The results of the study provide practical implications that can be helpful for both policy makers and industry practitioners to develop appropriate marketing strategies and tourism products for the Asian and European travel markets.