My Dream Job is to become a doctor because it is about helping people. The workplace that I would like to work with is a Paolo Memorial Hospital whose main business is to to providing medical services. The readiness of experience and tech medical technology and medical facilities. To support the most effective treatment. Under the intention and commitment in a hospital “Access to treatment, care, understand”. To fulfill a requirement of my dream job, I will need to have a specialized certification in doctor, with discipline and responsibility and experience. First of all, I will need to have a doctors certification in Pediatrics, so I can convince my employer that I am qualified for retention, pediatric doctor. Secondly, have a loving to care for the children "because children are not little adults, lies at the heart of the pediatrician is patient and delicate" let the children come to the doctor is happy he doesn't want to let no fear. Lastly, to work as a doctor that requires high ability children who suffer illness, has lost from the disease, which is one of my highest dreams and experience in treating more children. Therefore, in the next 5 years after being a doctor, my dream career path will be to become a physician who specializes in Pediatrics. I would like to do this job because I think it is a medical professional who has the chance to create merit and influence to help children in distress and able to create pride to themselves and family and more importantly as a healthcare professional with a very high salary.