The level of mathematics in the Primary School Leaving Examination (grade 6), is approximately two years ahead of that in most US schools (Schmidt, 2005). Singapore mathematics also blurs the distinction between
algebra and geometry. These concepts are integrated into basic mathematics instruction before students reach high
school. Singapore teachers are all trained in how to teach the national mathematics curriculum and meet regularly to
fine tune exercises and hone lessons.
The Singapore national science curriculum in primary and lower secondary grades focuses on developing the idea
of science as inquiry through three domains: 1) knowledge, understanding and application; 2) skills and processes;
and 3) ethics and attitudes. To awaken students’ interest in science as a useful skill, inquiry projects are based on the
roles played by science in daily life, society and the environment. Co-curricular activities such as mathematics and
science fairs, competitions and learning trails (applying mathematics and science subjects in outdoor settings) are
designed to generate interest among students. The DNA Centre at the Singapore Science Center develops hands-on
activities for learning life
by working scientists.