1 Introduction
Garden has been defined as ‘the purest of human
pleasures and the greatest refreshment to the
spirits of man’ (Bacon 1883). According to Hunt,
gardens are “concentrated or perfected forms of
place-making’ (Hunt 2000). Garden is also perceived
as a symbolic site, resulting from the human’s
attempts to materialize Eden on the earth (AlonMozes
2004). In the Greek text of the Bible, a garden
has been expressed as a “paradise”. In Hebrew
“Eden” is translated to an unidentified region or
country. In Persian literature, the word garden
“pardis” derives from the word “paridaiza” which
literally means “walled garden“ and it has been
summed up as a luminous and perfumed place,
populated by a number of angelical and beautiful
creatures (Babaie 1997).
The earliest evidence of Persian gardens was
recorded in 600 B.C. at the Palace area in Pasargadae
and dates back to the final years of the reign of Cyrus
the Great (559-30 B.C.). The garden was based on
the Zoroastrian division of the universe into four
parts, four seasons or the four elements; water,
wind, soil and fire (Karimi‐Hakkak 1998). A mystical
feeling for flowers and a love of gardens are integral
parts of ancient Persian gardens. The Persian garden
is a manifestation of supreme values and concepts
and is well-known as a bridge connecting the two
worlds of matter and meaning.
The philosophical design concept of Persian gardens
is believed to be rooted in the four sacred elements
of water, wind, fire and soil. The geometrical design
of Persian gardens has been reflected in Persian
carpets, potteries and visual arts. The other distinctive
feature of Persian gardens, which contributes to
the introspective characteristics of ancient Persian
people, is the wide application of thick brick walls,
which surround the entire rectangular plan of the
garden. Other traits of Persian gardens include: the
application of perpendicular angles and straight
lines, ponds and pools to supply the water and
highlight the scenic landscape view, simultaneous
use of evergreen and deciduous trees, planting of
various types of plants and consideration of focal a
pavilion known as Kooshk.
The purpose of designing gardens in Persia, was
not only limited to providing green spaces for the
inhabitants, but also creating the opportunity for
further interaction between the human and nature
as well as creating various ranges of functions
(Gharipour 2011) and promoting Persian culture
via various design elements (Müller-Wille 2001). In
fact, Persian gardens are not only about beautiful
geometries and shapes; but they manifest different
design elements, each representing a specific
symbol. This paper aims to review three selected
Persian gardens from the central district of Iran in
terms of their design, geometry and typology which
has been usually derived from their function and
geographic location. It also explores the fundamental
symbols and their philosophy used in the creation of
Persian gardens and in relation to their architecture
and design.