Shimazoe and Aldrich (2010) provides several
benefits on the use of cooperative learning approach for
students. First, cooperative learning promotes deep
learning of materials. Second, students achieve better
grades in cooperative learning compared to competitive
or individual learning. Third, students learn social skills
and civic values. Fourth, students learn higher-order,
critical thinking skills. Fifth, cooperative learning
promotes personal growth. Finally, students develop
positive attitudes toward autonomous learning.
Apart from mathematics achievement, attitude is
also a major focus in cooperative learning study. A
study conducted by Ifamuyiwa and Akinsola (2008)
found that students in the experimental group showed a
positive attitude towards mathematics. Similarly, Brush
(1997), also found that students in the experimental
group showed positive attitudes towards mathematics.
However, a study by Tarim and Akdeniz (2008) found
no significant difference was observed regarding
students’ attitude towards mathematics. Based on the
literature it can be said that cooperative learning is
effective in enhancing the achievement and produce
inconsistent results regarding attitude of students.
Therefore, the researchers want to conduct this research
in the hope that teachers can used the cooperative
learning methods especially Student Teams-
Achievement Divisions (STAD) in their teaching. Thus,
researchers want to study the effects of the use of
STAD on mathematics achievement and student
attitudes towards mathematics. Specifically, the
objectives of the study were to determine: