Market News 1. (28-1-2016)
- RUS: gov' might review exp tax scheme
- RUS (25-Jan) 2015/16 grain exports at 24.3 Mt incl.
16.9 Mt wheat; Dec=record grain exports at 3.8 Mt (2.7 Mt wheat)
- exp. price of wheat (12.5% protein) fob B.Sea ≈ 182$/t
and domestic price exw≈ 127-135 $/t (exp tax ≈ 10 $)
- RUS: intervention purchases reached 1.4 Mt of grains
- UKR: (26-Jan) 2015/16 grain exports at 23.9 Mt incl.
10.9 Mt wheat, 8.9 Mt maize and 3.9 Mt barley