I had a harder time with this page than I did with the first one:
Only looking at so much energy and happiness gives me that cute feeling [I'm likely a little off here]!!
Koreimu: Look, Reimyu can stretch stretch like that, too.
*yuooo! streeetch streeetch flap flap flap boing and other sfx*
Komarisa: Ma'chya is flapping up to da firmament of da sky[or heavens if you prefer] na no je!!
To eat that which is so verrry tasty makes her pigtails move in a Mister flap-flap like a descending angel [mostly guessing here]!!
Koreimu is slurring and drawing out a "Munch munch happiness" so much here that the words run together.
Komarisa: Marisa's! Shyupah poo-poo time!! Is starting no je!
Narrator Reimu: Start squeezing out more poo-poo through not-dirty anus [something must be wrong here, too]
Koreimu: Biyaa! Kuchyai! [I think she's just making noise in response to being pooed on but this might actually be slurred words]
Reimu is proud of her verry easy little ones ♡
Komarisa: Rub rub
Koreimu: Yuwawawawaaa
*tremble tremble tremble tremble peee*
Try to take it easy together forever from now on, ok?