The most commonly used heating techniques in industryrely on heat transfer from a hot surface. This heat can begenerated directly via an electrical heating element (such asthe heating system in an electromantle heater used in thisstudy) or indirectly from a hot medium (e.g. steam) via a heatexchanger (e.g. plate). As one of the traditional heating meth-ods, HD requires a temperature gradient to transfer heat tothe process liquid. Some limitations in traditional heating sys-tems are fouling (due to high temperature in the surface andsmall heat transfer rate) which can be a possible issue in dis-tillation of real fermented liquids, and also relatively low heattransfer rates (as the heat transfer will occur mainly due toconduction and convection). Ohmic heaters (OAHD) addressthe aforementioned problems by removing hot surfaces fromthe heating of the fluids and generate heat inside the material.As a result, higher heating rates can be an advantage of ohmicheating systems (Goullieux and Pain, 2005; Sakr and Liu, 2014).