The difficulty to obtain comprehensive information on destinations created chances for the tourism
intermediaries.Tourists mainly rely on travel intermediariesto obtain the information of tourism products before.While,
with the advanced in information technology, information sources are more diverse than ever, which have an impact
on the tourism supply chain. At present, the definition of tourism supply chain fails to reach an agreement.
Here,tourism supply chain is defined as a network of tourism organizations engaged in different activities ranging
from the supply of different components of tourism products/services such as flights and accommodation to the
distribution and marketing of the final tourism product at a specific tourism destination, and involves a wide range of
participants in both the private and public sectors[14](Xinyan Zhang, Haiyan Song, George Q. Huang, 2007).That is to
say information technology has a deep impact on tourism service providers and their relationships.However,
relationship between the tourism service providers is founded on the tourists' demand. This suggests that information
technology has changed consumer demand and tourism business model.