Increasing in oil prices and critical condition in climate changes have put the pressure on the evolution of energy
saving automobiles. Thai government has launched the policy to induce car users to switch to use eco-cars.
However, according to the energy saving condition, capability of eco-car is limited to some certain level. With this
limitation, car users might perceive eco-cars as inferior. This study emphasizes on car users’ attitude toward ecocars
and factors that influence their attitude as well as the chance of using eco-cars. Sample of 560 respondents of
car users in Bangkok, Thailand is collected and analyzed using multivariate analysis. Linear regression and
Generalized Linear Model assuming Logit are employed in analyzing factor determining attitude toward eco-cars.
Linear regression model and Ordered Logit model are applied in determining factor influencing chance of using
eco-cars. The results confirm the hypothesis that attitude of car users on eco-cars plays an important role in
determine decision of using eco-cars. Thus, Thai government should not only promote eco-cars through the low
price and energy saving incentive policies but also the policy to change the car users’ attitude toward eco-cars.