4.2.3 Reflections on process
Urban CDC staff initially appeared skeptical of the purpose and importance of the
values elicitation process. This may be due to the CDCs extensive experience with
all manner of strategic planning and community engagement sessions. Since VFT
requires explicit consideration of fundamental values, different types of objectives,
and of graphical connections within and between classes of objectives, and tradeoffs
between objectives, and because there is, ultimately, an operations orientation
embedded in this analysis, we found that the CDC staff became enthusiastic with the
values elicitation process. They made many suggestions to draw connections
between different objectives, and emphasized the relatively small role that
foreclosed housing development, the motivating purpose of our research project,
actually played in their organization’s planning and operations. Our scenario
analysis efforts were done with an analyst with master’s level training in planning
who seemed favorably disposed to challenging quantitative assessments of swing
weights and realistic alternative development scenarios. Even with this favorable
analysis environment, the scenario analysis tasks required multiple face-to-face andphone meetings to clarify different options and to validate our policy and planning
4.2.3 Reflections on processUrban CDC staff initially appeared skeptical of the purpose and importance of thevalues elicitation process. This may be due to the CDCs extensive experience withall manner of strategic planning and community engagement sessions. Since VFTrequires explicit consideration of fundamental values, different types of objectives,and of graphical connections within and between classes of objectives, and tradeoffsbetween objectives, and because there is, ultimately, an operations orientationembedded in this analysis, we found that the CDC staff became enthusiastic with thevalues elicitation process. They made many suggestions to draw connectionsbetween different objectives, and emphasized the relatively small role thatforeclosed housing development, the motivating purpose of our research project,actually played in their organization’s planning and operations. Our scenarioanalysis efforts were done with an analyst with master’s level training in planningwho seemed favorably disposed to challenging quantitative assessments of swingweights and realistic alternative development scenarios. Even with this favorableanalysis environment, the scenario analysis tasks required multiple face-to-face andphone meetings to clarify different options and to validate our policy and planninginsights.
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