ฉันรักGood night Yuva.
Well the west has finally identified an opposition group. They are called the "Red Shirts".
Sounds a bit like Hitler's Brown shirts. They are against the coup and claiming to want
democracy and freedom. What they are not saying is they are Socialist and that usually
indicates some kind of a potential dictatorship down road if they get elected. My apologizes
for being so negative. Socialist or Communists, are both pretty much the same thing. They
want democracy until they get into power, and then they strip away freedoms and collect
those who are opposed. And unlike the current coup, the Red Shirts will no doubt kill anyone
opposed to them if they ever get elected and hold a better than 50% majority in government.
Other news is relatively good news. It appears the bulk of the protesters are staying within
Bangkok. The rest of the country seems to be operating freely with tourism not being impacted
and the beaches open and inviting as always. So some good news. Although the tourist
industry no boubt is taking some hits due to people being weary of any type of unrest. But
at least it is all open and operating.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. Stay safe. Thinking about you always.