In my hands were a binder full of white paper, and a ballpoint pen. The people of the wolf clan were still cautious towards the truck, so they moved slowly behind it.
“Please come here quickly!” I declared.
Upon hearing my words, the chief, who was leading everyone, began hastening their speed. Before long, everyone had gathered, and I began my speech.
“Now, let’s decide the house where you will live. Let me talk about this district first. For every six houses, there will be a well, a bath, and a toilet attached.” I walked to stand in front of the well. “This is a well. There is a lid here, so please don’t try to take it off. By all means, try not to stand or sit on top of the lid, because you will die if the lid falls by mistake. Well then, I will be showing you how to draw water from this well.”
I heaved the pump up and down. Every time I lifted the handle up, the tap nozzle spouts water out.
“――And this is how the water is fetched out.” I ended my explanation.
“Ooo..!” Their voices were filled with admiration.
They must have never seen a hand pump before. Was it just because their civilization level is low, or because the civilization of this world is low too?
Whatever it is, their admiration makes me feel pleasant as the head of this town.
Next, we headed towards the restroom.
“This is the toilet. This is where you deal with excrements. Please do not dispose of your excrements anywhere else aside from here.” I instructed.
Everyone showed a startled face.
What is it? Did I said something strange? No, wait. Don’t tell me, they’ve already done it.
Several hours have already passed since they’ve arrived here. It would be stranger if they haven’t done it yet.
“…If you’ve already done that, I will overlook it this time.” I sighed.
Everyone’s faces clearly became relaxed.
The only saving grace was that in dry regions like this, the bacteria would have a hard time propagating.
I stood in front of a small wooden urinal, and said.
“This place is where men stand and urinate. Please aim well when you do your business.”
[TL: I have feeling that the author has a scat and golden shower fetish. Why he always need to go to the detail about all this stuff….]
[ED: Shrug. To each his or her own. Don’t kinkshame the author lol.]
There was no special reaction in particular.
Next, I opened the stall door next to it.
“This is the place where men and women sit down and do their business. I think you can understand how to use it without me saying anything.” I stated.
Because I hesitated in mentioning women defecating, I only gave minimal explanations. As expected, I felt embarrassed too.
“The ones appointed will have to throw the excrement away every day. Because it could lead to a plague, you absolutely need to throw it away every day.” I explained. “You can throw it away at a faraway place to the south. But, before you throw it, you need to dig a hole to dispose it into. I will go with you tomorrow. Because this is unpleasant work, I will treat the one who does the job with liquor.”
“Oooh!!” A whole group of men who seemed to like liquor shouted joyfully.
Rewarding liquor for doing this dirty job was to prevent anybody from becoming lazy and not finishing the task.
By the way, the plan to use manure as fertilizer was rejected. While manure was certainly excellent fertilizer, but if there was even one mistake, the crops will be infested with parasitic worms. Around the time after the war, the US soldiers ate japanese vegetables raw and contracted food poisoning. This was a famous story in which McArthur flipped out.
“Then, next――” After that, I explained about the baths and sewers respectively .