Pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 207, Section 39 states in part that,
The state secretary may authorize, subject to such conditions as he may determine, the solemnization of any specified marriage anywhere in the Commonwealth by the following non-resident clergy members: a minister of the gospel, a commissioned cantor or duly ordained rabbi, authorized representative of a Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is, the Imam of the Orthodox Islamic religion, a duly ordained priest or minister of the Buddhist Religion, a minister in fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association, a leader of an Ethical Cultural Union, a justice of the court or a justice of the peace, … in a regular and special meeting … of a Friends or Quaker monthly meeting.
A nonresident clergy member may also solemnize a marriage according to the usage of any church or religious organization which shall have complied with the provisions of the second paragraph of section 38. (C. § 38 …Churches and other religious organizations shall file in the office of the state secretary information relating to persons recognized or licensed as aforesaid, and relating to usages of such organizations, in such form and at such times as the secretary may require.) A certificate of such authorization shall be issued by the state secretary and shall be attached to the certificate issued under section twenty-eight and filed with the appropriate city or town clerk.
Please complete the application and return it to this office promptly. The application may be mailed or sent by facsimile transmission to 617-727-5914. Upon receipt of a completed application, a Certificate of Solemnization will be mailed to the Non-Resident Clergy member shown on the application. The Clergy member is responsible for filing said Certificate with the appropriate town or city clerk pursuant to G.L. ch. 207.
TO ALL NON-RESIDENT, OUT-OF-STATE CLERGY MEMBERS WISHING TO SOLEMNIZE A MARRIAGE: Pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 207, Section 39 states in part that,The state secretary may authorize, subject to such conditions as he may determine, the solemnization of any specified marriage anywhere in the Commonwealth by the following non-resident clergy members: a minister of the gospel, a commissioned cantor or duly ordained rabbi, authorized representative of a Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is, the Imam of the Orthodox Islamic religion, a duly ordained priest or minister of the Buddhist Religion, a minister in fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association, a leader of an Ethical Cultural Union, a justice of the court or a justice of the peace, … in a regular and special meeting … of a Friends or Quaker monthly meeting.A nonresident clergy member may also solemnize a marriage according to the usage of any church or religious organization which shall have complied with the provisions of the second paragraph of section 38. (C. § 38 …Churches and other religious organizations shall file in the office of the state secretary information relating to persons recognized or licensed as aforesaid, and relating to usages of such organizations, in such form and at such times as the secretary may require.) A certificate of such authorization shall be issued by the state secretary and shall be attached to the certificate issued under section twenty-eight and filed with the appropriate city or town clerk.Please complete the application and return it to this office promptly. The application may be mailed or sent by facsimile transmission to 617-727-5914. Upon receipt of a completed application, a Certificate of Solemnization will be mailed to the Non-Resident Clergy member shown on the application. The Clergy member is responsible for filing said Certificate with the appropriate town or city clerk pursuant to G.L. ch. 207.
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