All input grids must have a cell size > 0.001 m.
# Input grids should not have a nodata value that is the same as the designated background
value (see below for discussion on nodata, backgrounds, borders, and boundaries). One of the
basic assumptions of FRAGSTATS is that the nodata and background are distinct values, even
though the nodata is re-classified into negative background before any processing takes place.
Importantly, it is possible for the model to run fine and give correct results even when this
assumption is broken, but only if there is no actual background in the landscape. If there is any
background, it will be confused with nodata and re-classified incorrectly. With the image
formats containing header information (i.e., all but raw ASCII and Binary), the value of nodata
will be read from the image header and cannot be changed in FRAGSTATS. It is incumbent on
the user to specify a different value for the background, recognizing that it will only matter if
the image contains true background. With the image formats that do not contain header
information (i.e., raw ASCII and Binary), the user is required to enter a nodata value and ensure
that it is different from the specified background value, again recognizing that it will only
matter if the image contains true background