While a single-layer strategy can be profitable, it may make sense early in the life of a market to launch a full proprietary system at all three levels and to hone in on one specialty later. Witness the extraordinary success of Michael Bloomberg, who has built one of the most profitable and powerful information companies in the financial-services business, Bloomberg Financial Systems. Bloomberg has created a proprietary infrastructure that includes a special keyboard and communications system, specialized branded content, and a new context for consuming financial information. Bloomberg provides every type of information that a financial professional could need or desire. In seconds, subscribers can access a graphic display of advanced-options-pricing analyses. They can also receive a real-time feed of professional sports scores, displayed at the bottom of their trading screen. They can even purchase opera tickets or preview vacation destinations. In this way, the entire Bloomberg project is dedicated to developing a higher-performance, proprietary system not only to help a trader make money but also to put more and more of his or her needs into the Bloomberg proprietary marketspace.