Overt Unintentional Prejudice/Racism
A nurse was assigned'to make an initial home visit to two clients recently dis-charged from the hospital with a diagnosis of hypertension. The nurse performed physical assessments on both clients. He developed an extensive culturally rel¬evant teaching plan with the Filipino client that included information on sodium restriction and its effect on kidney functioning, ways to integrate cultural foods into the diet, and support in lifestyle changes. With the Puerto Rican client, the nurse performed a routine physical assessment and did not discuss the cli¬ent's culturally special dietary, requirements. The nurse believed that the Puerto Rican client was not capable of understanding such complex information and was going to continue to seek help from her cuarandera (a folk practitioner) to client, "Take care of yourself. See you next time." This nurse did not realize that he had stereotyped the client and that his actions were hurtful. He believed that he was providing quality care on the basis of the client's needs.