2.4 Meeting the bonus plan requirements
Healy (1985) provides the evidence that earnings are managed in the direction that is
consistent with maximizing executives’ earnings-based bonus. When earnings will be
below the minimum level required to earn a bonus, then earning are managed upward
so that the minimum is achieved and a bonus is earned. Conversely, when earning will
be above the maximum level at which no additional bonus is paid, then earnings are
managed downward. The extra earnings that will not generate extra bonus this current
period are saved to be used to earn a bonus in a future period. When earnings are
between the minimum and the maximum levels, then earnings are managed upward in
order to increase the bonus earned in the current period.
2.5 Changing management
Earnings management usually occurs around the time of changing management, the
CEO of a company with poor performance indicators will try to increase the reported
earnings in order to prevent or postpone being fired. On the other hand, the new CEO
will try shift part of the income to future years around the time when his/her
performance will be evaluated and measured, and blame the low earning at the
beginning of his contract on the acts of the previous CEO.