ITEMS: Pure Water.
ENEMIES: Ninja Robot, Steamed Power
Okay, now random battles are against... Robots. NINJA robots. Okay... Anyway,
head NW then N up the elevator. Follow the path, open the chest by the pipe for
a [PURE WATER], then continue on the path, you'll reach Gami Gami City shortly.
ITEMS: Slot Machine, 150G, Forest Twig, 200G, Blessed Water.
NOTES: Inn costs 20G.
You'll likely get a little slowdown here, it happens to everyone. You'll just
have to deal with it. Head up the stairs, then go NE as far as you can for a
path along the wall you can't see. Head S for a chest with a [SLOT MACHINE] in
it. Head down the steps to the lower section W, then into the closest building
for two chests, [150G] and a [FOREST TWIG]. Head back out and up the stairs,
then across the bridge. Go in the E building and open the chest in the back for
[200G], then talk to the man at the counter and ask where Gami Gami Devil is.
The middle building is an inn. The W building is the shop, there are two
shopkeepers selling different things. Upgrade your equipment, then head up the
elevator. If you talk to the robot by the elevator, you can watch a little
show. Head up onto the stage and go up the ladder. Go out of the room, then
down the steps and into the blue building for another shop. Go back out, then
down the ladder and open the chest by the man for a [BLESSED WATER]. Go down
the stairs, back across the bridge, then up the big NE staircase to go into
Gami Gami Castle.
ITEMS: Force Seed, Eclipse Stone, Forest Leaf, Speed Seed Sleep Jewel, 1G, 1G,
1G, Forest Twig, ID Card, Forest Leaf,
ENEMIES: Ninja Robot, Steamed Power
NOTES: Examine doors to open them. Inn costs 30G.
Head towards the big door and Gami Gami Devil will taunt you. Examine the door
to open it and head through. Head NE, then down the stairs and NE again. Go
through the gold door, then open the chest behind the shelves for a [FORCE
SEED]. Go back out and back to the stairs, then open the door SW of them. Flip
the red lever here to turn the power to the elevator on. Go back up the stairs
and NW to the elevator. There are a number of floors you can go to, but for now
let's start with the 2nd floor. Head SE out the door, then go up the stairs.
It's hard to see, but there is a chest with an [ECLIPSE STONE] behind the
boxes. Go back to the elevator and go to the door NW. Two chests in this room,
the obvious one in front, a [FOREST LEAF] and a hard to see one in the back, a
[SPEED SEED]. On to the 3rd floor! Head NE to the first room and grab the
[SLEEP JEWEL] in the chest, then head back out. The second door has three
chests, [1G], [1G], and [1G]. Head back to the elevator and go to the 4th
floor. Head SE and go in the NW door. Grab the chest in the N corner for a
[FOREST TWIG], then exit back out and go SE. Follow the path to a chest with an
[ID CARD]. Go back to the elevator and up to the 5th floor. Go SE for an inn.
Rest up, you'll need it. Leave the inn and head NE. After some more taunting
from Gami Gami Devil, use your ID card to open the door and head inside. Head
NE and go in the SE door. Go NE, NW, NE, SE, SW. You should be outside now. Go
down the stairs for a chest with a [FOREST LEAF] in it, then back up the stairs
and head NE. See the big lever? Push it. Head back down the stairs and back to
that big dining hall. Examine the big chair and go to the Control Room, then
head NE. After a, uh, speech by Gami Gami Devil, you have to fight his robot.
Gami Gami Armor: 1236 HP.
Attacks: Lightning (Hit to a small area in front of it), Satchel Punch (Line
attack in front).
Notice this boss is a 3*3 enemy on the grid, so you can have two people attack
from the same side if you like. Just gives you a bigger target. FA + Aerial
Slash and FA Dragon Fang should take down this rust bucket pretty fast, just
try to do them from opposite directions to maximize damage. This also helps
keep it from hitting multiple people, making it easier to stay healed. If HP
looks like it shouldn't be an issue for a bit, a FA + Wind Cutter can put up
some good numbers too.
After beating up Gami, he gives another speech that ends with him, uh, blowing
up the castle. He, of course, has an escape route. You however, don't. Head SE
and take the door into what seems to be Gami Gami Devil's room. The group
notices the trash shoot, and hops in. I think White Knight leaving sparks was a
nice touch.
The group winds up outside Gami Gami City, with only Narcia landing on her
feet. They see Gami Gami Devil's parachute over PoPoLoCrois and give chase.
Make your way to Takinen Village, your next stop.