NYCDOT selected TransCore to develop software for the TSP server. It also selected Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) to simulate all traffic operations in the corridor and to assess and recommend improvements for optimal TSP implementation, which included changes to geometry, striping and signal timing. Simulations of morning, midday, and afternoon peak traffic conditions were performed to provide answers to critical TSP implementation questions. This allowed GPI not only to assess the benefits of TSP for M15 Select Buses and the effects of TSP on other traffic along the corridor and its cross streets, but also to identify which intersections might be able to successfully support TSP operation. Simulation was also the key to understanding how the system could handle competing calls for service. At the level of individual intersections earmarked for TSP, simulation helped to establish: the maximum green signal extension time for buses; the minimum time for cross-street phases; how far upstream calls for TSP service should be acted upon in each direction; whether queue jumping should be offered and how it should be implemented.