PWM Three-Phase Inverters
Pulse-width modulation can be used for three-phase inverters as well as for
single-phase inverters. The advantages of PWM switching are the same as for
the single-phase case: reduced filter requirements for harmonic reduction and the
controllability of the amplitude of the fundamental frequency.
PWM switching for the three-phase inverter is similar to that of the singlephase
inverter. Basically, each switch is controlled by comparing a sinusoidal
reference wave with a triangular carrier wave. The fundamental frequency of the
output is the same as that of the reference wave, and the amplitude of the output
is determined by the relative amplitudes of the reference and carrier waves.
As in the case of the six-step three-phase inverter, switches in Fig. 8-28a are
controlled in pairs (S1, S4), (S2, S5), and (S3, S6). When one switch in a pair is closed,
the other is open. Each pair of switches requires a separate sinusoidal reference