2. Interview
The interview is the most common of all oral tests. It is a direct exchange between a
learner and an interviewer. It follows a pre-determined structure, but both of them still have
freedom to say what they really think. The interviewer will find out certain things about the
learner and get answers to certain questions. The interviewer maintains firm control and
keeps the initiative. After the learner has finished his answer or comment, it depends on the
interviewer to make the next move to develop the topic further or raise a new one. Normally
the interviewer has a prepared list of written or memorized questions to ask or topics to
bring up.
3. Role-play
For this technique, the learner is required to take on a particular role and to imagine
himself in that role in a particular situation. The learner has to converse with the assessor in
a way which is appropriate to the role and the situation given. The learner is given a set of
instructions before the test explaining in simple language exactly what he is supposed to