The Fifty-third World Health Assembly,
Recalling resolution on noncommunicable disease prevention and control
requesting the Director-General to formulate a global strategy for the prevention and control of
noncommunicable diseases and to submit the proposed global strategy and a plan for implementation
to the Executive Board and Health Assembly;
Recognizing the enormous human suffering caused by noncommunicable diseases such as
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, and the threat they pose to
the economies of many Member States, leading to increasing health inequalities between countries and
Noting that the conditions in which people live and their lifestyles influence their health and
quality of life, and that the most prominent noncommunicable diseases are linked to common risk
factors, namely, tobacco use, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, environmental
carcinogens and being aware that these risk factors have economic, social, gender, political,
behavioural and environmental determinants;
Reaffirming that the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicable
diseases and the ensuing implementation plan are directed at reducing premature mortality and
improving quality of life;
Recognizing the leadership role that WHO should play in promoting global action against
noncommunicable diseases and its contribution to global health based on its advantages compared to
other organizations,
1. URGES Member States:
(1) to develop a national policy framework taking into account several policy instruments
such as healthy public policies creating a conducive environment for healthy lifestyles; fiscal
and taxation policies towards healthy and unhealthy goods and services; and public media
policies empowering the community;
(2) to establish programmes, at national or any other appropriate level, in the framework of
the global strategy for the prevention and control of major noncommunicable diseases, and
The Fifty-third World Health Assembly,Recalling resolution on noncommunicable disease prevention and controlrequesting the Director-General to formulate a global strategy for the prevention and control ofnoncommunicable diseases and to submit the proposed global strategy and a plan for implementationto the Executive Board and Health Assembly;Recognizing the enormous human suffering caused by noncommunicable diseases such ascardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, and the threat they pose tothe economies of many Member States, leading to increasing health inequalities between countries andpopulations;Noting that the conditions in which people live and their lifestyles influence their health andquality of life, and that the most prominent noncommunicable diseases are linked to common riskfactors, namely, tobacco use, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, environmentalcarcinogens and being aware that these risk factors have economic, social, gender, political,behavioural and environmental determinants;Reaffirming that the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicablediseases and the ensuing implementation plan are directed at reducing premature mortality andimproving quality of life;Recognizing the leadership role that WHO should play in promoting global action againstnoncommunicable diseases and its contribution to global health based on its advantages compared toother organizations,
1. URGES Member States:
(1) to develop a national policy framework taking into account several policy instruments
such as healthy public policies creating a conducive environment for healthy lifestyles; fiscal
and taxation policies towards healthy and unhealthy goods and services; and public media
policies empowering the community;
(2) to establish programmes, at national or any other appropriate level, in the framework of
the global strategy for the prevention and control of major noncommunicable diseases, and
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