Characteristics of musculoskeletal injuries in runningrelated
sports have been widely investigated and varying
injury incidence rates (IIRs) per 1000 hours of training have
been reported. In vanMechelen’s review [13], 2.5–12.1 injuries
per 1000 hours of running were reported for recreational and
competing runners. Other authors have reported a similar
range of IIRs between 1.7 and 10.0 injuries per 1000 hours of
running exposure [14, 15]. In a recent review, an IIR range
of 2.5–38.0 was reported [16]. Comparisons between studies
that assess IIRmust be made with caution due to the different
definitions of running-related injuries, the subjects included,
and themethods used for injury assessment [9]. Competitive
and elite athletes tend to have fewer IIRs per 1000 hours of
exposure than recreational or inexperienced athletes [13, 15].
In a study with young competitive orienteering athletes, 3.0
injuries per 1000 hours of training were reported [12].