RICHARD I'm sorry about that, but what can I do? HESTON You must get my boy's money. Get it from Keech. hand. He's big RICHARD No! Keech can kill me with one Last year he always has a knife in his pocket. he killed a man with that knife. I'm afraid of him, James HESTON Are you afraid of me? RICHARD No. Oh! Yes, a little. You're a ghost! HESTON Only a little, eh? Look at the table. RICHARD (Looking at the table) Oh no! The table is moving! (He stands up and walks to the table.) Oh no! Oh, the chair is moving now And now my chair is moving! James Don't do this to me! HESTON At this minute, Keech is building a new home in a village near here with my son's money. Stop him! RICHARD I'm sorry, James. I can't. (He gets a book and throws it across the room.) I didn't want that was my hand but ames, can you get in my head? Can you tell my hand-- He looks at his hand and at the book. HESTON (Laughing) Yes, Richard. And your answer is going to be 'Yes'. or you are going to do this again and again..