So exposures to extremes of heat or cold can result in harmful physical and psychological consequences. So, first, exposure to heat for extended periods. This can result in dehydration, in confusion, in lethargy, in loss of consciousness. Individuals actually exposed too long to extremes of heat can result in hyperthermia, where the core body temperature can go up and this can be potentially fatal.
Similarly, exposure to extremes of cold can result in a number of harmful physical and psychological consequences. Hypothermia, as it's known, in addition to being quite uncomfortable, can result in a decrease in the body's core temperature, which can result in arrhythmias, irregular heartbeats or even potentially death. I've cared for individuals who were exposed to extremes of heat or exposed to extremes of cold who, months and years later when they're reminded of these things, have terrifying memories. So, the impact of exposures to heat and cold is both physical and psychological