Hello. I'm Baejimil. Around 7am I posted a video with the tweet "he yanked her hair because she spoke informally to him". My classes began since 7 so I wasn't aware of how fast my tweet was spreading online and at 9am, I checked my phone during break time and I deleted the relevant tweet. By the time I understood what was going on and after deleting my tweet, my class started again and I thought it would be better to tweet again after class, rather than rambling thoughtlessly so I didn't post any short tweets. I would like to tell you that I wasn't going to forget about my action after deleting the tweet.
A friend from another fandom sent me the video on Katalk and after watching the video, I tried searching online to understand the situation on Twitter and I read "He pulled my hair because I spoke informally" (please see the photo), and I immediately posted my tweet. I'm sorry for not tweeting without searching more about the situation.
I thought Twitter is a personal SNS space and I apologize for not realizing how fast my tweet would spread, how my tweets can appear on other user's time line, and for uploading the video without thinking about the above factors. Due to this incident, I was able to learn how an SNS can easily be exposed to other users although it's a personal SNS space.
I apologize again for making inappropriate remarks which can start fan war although this had nothing to do with the fandom I belong to. Also, I'm very sorry for tweeting distorted facts as if they were true. I will never make any statement that will hurt other fandom and their singer. I sincerely apologize for letting my fingers freely tap whatever it wanted to without thinking properly. I apologize again to the fandom and their singer.
I'm sorry