Those ways are: Inhalation: The essential oil enters the body through breathing. A method recommended for improving mood and mental wellness and for problem of the respiratory system. Pads: Pads (compresses) with essential oils can soothe pain, sprain or welling and reduce inflammation. Mouthwashes: Gargling mixtures by essential oil seems to have the ability to relieve the irritated mucosa of the mouth. Baths with essential oils provide relaxation, stress reduction and hydration level of the skin. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, wrote that the best way to be healthy is one to enjoy a daily massage with scented bath. Its worth be mention that baths and hydrotherapy are applied upon mental illness from antiquity until about the first half of the 20th century. Perfuming the area: The evaporation of essential oils is applied to clean the space of germs, disinfection and antisepsis, Moreover in that way a pleasant fragrance is filling the place and eliminates the unpleasant odors in addition to aromatherapy lies upon the transfer of essential oils into the body through the skin. Some essential oils are not allowed to come into direct contact with the skin in their original form, due to toxicity. We therefore need a substance that will be mixed with the essential oil and will penetrate inside the body through massage.