It is undeniable that the role of public transport is to provide users with reasonably priced fares that
cater to several individuals at the same time, in ensuring less congestion and pollution. Traffic
congestion in Malaysia is increasing from year to year due to the exponential growth of the number of
private cars. According to the Road Transport Department of Malaysia (2003), the number of registered
road vehicle had increased from more than 6.8 million in 1995 to more than 12.2 million in 2003. The
private cars have been increasing at the rate of 10% annually. Moreover, public transport should be
competitive to the private vehicles in providing safe, reliable, efficient, attractive and seamless journey
for the passengers from the point of origin, until reaching to the point of their destination. Essentially, it
should contribute to both time and cost savings, specifically, in terms of transporting labour to locations
at work (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2008), besides being more environmental friendly, a criteria
required for urban public transportation. Based on the overview of the current scenario of PT, the current
research therefore, focuses on customers’ expectations towards public transport services. Specifically, it
addresses the impact of customer expectations on customer loyalty, environmental factors and
satisfaction. Consequently, this research considers all those constructs mentioned to be analyzed
simultaneously, using structural equation modeling, and thus, proposing an integrated model of the
relational consequences of customer expectation of PT in Klang Valley.
The establishment of this study is as follows. Firstly, the concept of customer expectations is defined,
followed by the research hypotheses and conceptual framework. Next, methodology used is further
explained, and lastly, the results of the research, as well as its managerial implications are further