RESULTS— Participants’ baseline
characteristics are shown in Table 2.
There were no significant differences between
groups. The 1,029 participants received
one or more interventions,
depending on their current stage for each
behavior. A total of 860 participants were
enrolled for SMBG; 77.7% completed the
entire year of the study. A total of 445
participants were in pre-action for
healthy eating, and 168 participants were
in pre-action for smoking; completion
rates were 81.2 and 80.4%, respectively.
Participants who did not complete the entire
12 months of the study did not have
different baseline demographic characteristics
from those who did complete the
study (data not shown). A total of 58.2%
of participants were enrolled for two behaviors
(89% of these for both SMBG and
healthy eating) and 8.2% of participants
were enrolled for three behaviors.