Robots have been with us for less than 50 years but the idea of inanimate creations represents a sincere bid whose
success is much older. But real robots did not come into existence until 1950s and 60s. With the growing invention of
transistors and integrated circuits, computer industry added brains to the brawn of already existing machines. In 1959,
researchers illustrated the possibility of robotic manufacturing when they unveiled a computer-controlled milling
machine. Bluetooth technology was created by telecom vendor Ericsson in 1994. A Bluetooth device is able to
communicate with up to seven Bluetooth modules at same time through one link whose normal working area is within
eight meters.
The basic function of Bluetooth serial module is replacing the serial port line by connecting one to Bluetooth master
device and the other connecting to slave device. Today, robots are enjoying resurgence. As computer processors are
getting faster and inexpensive, robots can afford to get smarter. While, researchers are working on ways to help robots
move and “think” more efficiently. Since most robots in use today are designed for specific tasks, our goal is to
someday make universal robots that are flexible enough to do just about anything a human does and more.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system and key applications. Android
applications provide access to a wide range of useful libraries and tools that can be used to build rich applications.
Android also includes a full set of tools that provides developers with high productivity and deep insight into their
applications. Bluetooth is a technology with an open standard specification for a radio frequency (RF)-based shortrange
connectivity technology that changes the face of computing and wireless communication. The data received by
the Blue-tooth module from Android smart phone is fed as input to the controller. Thereby, the controller acts
accordingly on the DC motors to move in the entire robot in all the four directions using the Android phone.