In the story, "The Kiss", Kate Chopin portrays how deceitful a character could be. She reveals that a person should not be judged only by his or her appearance. In the short story, Kate Chopin tells us a self-seeking story. Nathalie is in love with Harvey and Brantain at the same time. She choose Brantain because he is very rich, and if she marry him she thinks that her live will be better After Nathalie and Brantain's wedding ceremony, Harvy comes and says that Brantain has sent him there to kiss her. She wanted that kiss so her lips looked hungry for the kiss,but suddenly Harvy tells that he've stopped kissing women, and leave the ceremony. After that, Nathalie realize that she can't have everything in this world. The character, Brantain, is a rich man but he is very unattractive.
She compared herself as a chess player who seems handled the game well and let things go as she intended. She thought that she can have everything in this world but suprisingly, she was played by Brantain. Throughout the story, Nathalie thought Brantain did not know anything between her and Harvy, but Brantain did know everything. When Harvy walked into Nathalie's room and kissed her, Harvy was a friend who Braintain knew quite well. Brantain must know there are something going on between Harvy and Nathalie. If not, " the ardent lingering kiss" should have explained the intimacy between the relationship of Harvy and Nathalie. Braintain shows himself as a guileless man, who did not know anything. Even at the end, Nathalie still believed she was in charged, which also shows that Brantain was a smart and profound man. Nathalie deserved no pity when she fell into Brantain's trap because she wasn't honest throughout the whole incident. I think a person must be honest in his or her relationship, because you must be open to your partner.
In this story, Nathalie chose money and so she is the most guilty person. She compared Harvy and Brantain, and chose Brantain because he is tremendously rich. But at the end of the story, Kate Chopin told that " Her eyes was bright, and tender with a smile as they glanced up into his; and her lips looked hungry for the kiss which they invited" . I think, she thinks that she is the most smartest woman in this world, because she tries to control Harvy and Brantain. The story says., Nathalie knows that Brantain is supposedly an open, genuine man who is head over heels in love with her, and plans on marrying him for his wealth while at the same time carrying on an affair with Harvy. The dramatic irony is that Nathalie thought she was the one manipulating others and putting others into their place when really she was just a pawn that was being manipulated by Brantain and she was so foolish that she didn't even know it. In conclusion, sometimes things can decieve people. But we have to know that they can be totally different from the way to look.