Q 1.) Well-established tourism in member countries , Singapore, Malaysia , Thailand already have high annual visitor arrivals how we can improve and develop in tourism for another member to high the tourism ?
RESON: this is positive question because that asked to want you to choose the positive thinking to develop ASEAN Members to high tourism.
Q 2.) Why English language is so important to communicate with ASEAN Members?
RESON: this is open question because the question asked about why? Then we have more answer in this question.
Q 3.) ASEAN Members use native- speaker more than English and the diversity of language, culture and religion are different. Do you thing we have to improve in English for use in communicate with other to understand them?
RESON : this is critical question because this question is match this time before ASEAN comes.
Q 4.) What do you thing about the diversity of language, region and culture in ASEAN Members?
RESON : this creative question because I want know what you think about the diversity in ASEAN Members and you have to try to understand what the diversity in ASEAN Members before answer my question.
Q 5.) What’s Thailand economy will be like when ASEAN has come?
RESON : this is open question because the question want you to think about Thai’s economy will be before ASEAN comes.