Recent research supports the idea that learners benefit from instructional approaches that help them reflect on their own learning (Marzano, 1988), so the first step is to explain MI Theory to your language learners. Armstrong (1995) offers suggestions such as "The Multiple Intelligence Pizza." He begins by telling students that they are all smart and asks them to tell him some of the different ways they can be smart. As students respond, he writes their answers on the seven slices of "pizza" in the circle. Armstrong accepts all answers but includes only the seven smarts or a version of them on the pizza. The "smarts" according to Armstrong are: self smart, word smart, logic smart, people smart, music smart, body smart, and picture smart. This approach uses language and concepts students understand plus visual reinforcement. Once students understand the different ways they can be smart, they can take their own MI inventory and begin evaluating their own learning activities.